Screeching and shouting ,
and blaring horns,
Without a brake,
like breathless songs
I make my way through
the crowded street,
Riding my bike, checking
Facebook and tweet.
Multi tasking is natural,
in the work that I do,
It has even taught me that
patience is not a virtue.
It is only meant, for
the weak and the small,
Not for me , who stands
strong and tall .
Who is that overtaking
me from the right?
Beware brother, I am not
new to a fight.
I have my weapons
And strategies planned,
I can ride over everything,
Whether stone or sand
I dont care if ,
the red light glows,
Maybe its meant for,
The chickens and the crows,
The foot path is a higher
Pedestal to ride,
Built for kings like me,
Open and wide ,
Now decide for yourself,
Would you take a chance,
Humiliate yourself watching,
My victory dance?
Its not my fault brother,
I've got to get to work,
Without me the complete,
World will go berserk,
My customer is waiting
In Germany and USA ,
I've got to take command,
Before its even day,
It doesn't matter to me,
If my country is dying of thirst,
All that I have in mind,
Is, the foreigner comes first.